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Our teams are earned, not given – and that applies to both our players and to our coaches. Strong teams are built on talent, courage, confidence, and acumen, and most importantly, genuine mutual respect. To be a T1 player, you must represent our key values both on and off the field at all times.
We are always looking for talented players to join our team. Contact us for more information. 


18u Header.jpg

Congratulations 18u captains!

W-Jackson Breaux - 18u - 50.jpg
Justin Breaux  - #50
W-Sam Carroll - 18u - 9.jpg
Sam Carroll - #9
W-Angelo Colletta - 18u - 8.jpg
Angelo Coletta - #8
W-Antonio DeBartolo - 18u - 29.jpg
Antonio Debartolo  - #29
W-John Gaba - 18u - 4.jpg
John Gaba - #4
W-Dylan Gudovic - 18u - 44.jpg
Dylan Gudovic - #44
W-Jayden Magno -18 u 34.jpg
Jayden Magno  - #34
W-Zac Montemayor - 18u - 88.jpg
Zac Montemayor - #88
W-Nicholas Nitti - 18u - 26.jpg
Nicholas Nitti - #26
Jeff Ripka22.jpg
Jeff Ripka  - #44
W-Carter Robbins - 18u - 17.jpg
Carter Robbins - #17
W-Steven Schroeder - 18u -3.jpg
Steven Schroeder - #3
W-Hagen Stewart 18u - 84.jpg
Hagen Stewart  - #84
W-Daemien Viveros - 18u - 20.jpg
Daemien Viveros - #20
W-Carson Smith - 18u- 35.jpg
Carson Smith - #35
W-Wes Johnson - 18 - 48.jpg
Wes Johnson - #48


16u Header.jpg

Congratulations 16u captains!

W-Hunter Annis - 16u - 19.jpg
Hunter Annis - #19
W-Zach Gurley - 16u -1.jpg
Zach Gurley - #1
W-Zacharia Barko - 16u - 6.jpg
Zacharia Barko - #6
Jackson Kowal - #33
W-Nick Burke - 16u - 10.jpg
Nick Burke - #10
W-Ashton Roye - 16u- 13.jpg
Ashton Roye - #13
W-Drew Sadowski - 16u - 99.jpg
Drew Sadowski - #99
W-Alex Serrano 16 u - 7.jpg
Alexander Serrano - #7
W-Jacob Wilk - 16u - 75.jpg
Jacob Wilk - #75
W-Jy Cooks - 16u - 42.jpg
Jy Cooks - #42
W-Connor Senne - 16u - 32.jpg
Connor Senne - #32
W-Sam Marrese - 16u - 30.jpg
Sam Marrese - #30
W-Luke Wahlund - 16u - 39.jpg
Luke Wahlund - #47


15u Header.jpg

Congratulations 15u captains!

W-Greyson Arnold - 15u - 24.jpg
Greyson Arnold - #24
W-Jack Eggers - 15u - 16.jpg
Jack Eggers - #16
W-Aidan Bulger - 15u - 37.jpg
Aidan Bulger - #37
W-Brandon Gee - 15u - 38.jpg
Brandon Gee - #38
W-Danny Dalton - 15u - 40.jpg
Danny Dalton - #40
W-Mason Hackett - 15u - 52.jpg
Mason Hackett - #52
W-Zach Hartwig - 15u - 22.jpg
Zach Hartwig - #22
W-Brayden Hines - 15u - 2.jpg
Brayden Hines - #2
Johnny Kondracki - #79
W-Max Leon - 15u - 15.jpg
Max Leon - #15
W-Nick Moore - 15u - 31.jpg
Nick Moore - #31
W-Jonathan Rinas - 15u - 25.jpg
Jonathan Rinas - #25
W-Charlie Roelle - 5u - 18.jpg
Charlie Roelle - #18
W-Tommy Roelle - 15u - 36.jpg
Tommy Roelle - #36
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